Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome to Flamboyant Games

"It was a dark and stormy night."

Hello, and let me be the first (and last) to say welcome to Flamboyant Games!  This is a blog devoted to bringing the gaming community together and allowing players to give insight to game reviews instead of just complaining about them to IGN.

I'm Flamboyant Bacon, the creator of this domain.  I am an avid gamer, and own a variety of consoles and PCs for my entertainment.  As a gamer for the past 15 years of my life, I've seen some of the greatest modern franchises rise over the years.

All the while, the professional review sites simply praise a game for simply its inclusion in a franchise (i.e. Modern Warfare 2, Halo, Mario) and often the heavier critiques are lost.

Here, reviews aren't set by the name.  Each game in a franchise is rated individually based on its quality.  Each game is its own universe, and my reviews attempt to follow that belief.

You wont see me praising Half Life 2 simply because its Half Life (nonetheless, its one of the best FPS games of all time), or critiquing Mario because there are 80 Mario games.

On that note, my reviews will always be biased.  They are, as they should be, mine.  So why does my 9/100 have to be your 9/100?  It doesn't.  Simply put, Flamboyant Games is always looking for new staff, new reviewers, and new followers.

Did you hate the fact I critiqued Portal for anything?  Complain!  Bitch and moan about why I'm a Valve hater.  Make it a half decent complaint, and you may be the one to start the Valve review branch.

Have fun reviewing a game every 5 years.

But seriously, I'm looking for a place for a discussion, not a rant.  And I'm a college student, I haven't the money or time to develop a forum.  That's why all comments are allowed.  There isn't any moderation.  And it's the internet, no one will care if you swear.  We're gamers.


See what I mean?  No -blam!- or $%!@ covering that up.

And comments will be responded to, as often as I can.  School comes first, but I do have some free time.

And you may ask yourself, why do I care about Flamboyant Games?  He's typing it out, not talking super fast or making hilarious machinimas!  And he's not a girl!

My answer?  Because I'm not a part of IGN, or Gamestop, or 1up, or any big corporation that buys reviews (not suggesting that they do).  I review games for quality on all aspects, story, plot, character, gameplay, graphics, sound, music...the whole 9 yards (for Europeans, that's a tad smaller than 9 metres).

Want to join?  Send me an email ( with a review of ANY game and I'll read it.  I judge on quality of the review and also if you make it interesting.  Don't review the calculator game you're best friend programmed in math class!  I want something I could purchase in a moment.

Thanks, and have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. actually, by the time you get to 9 yards it's almost a full meter off, making it about 8 meters
